ManageEngine Service Desk Plus:
I am a ManageEngine Service Desk Plus trainer, I bring extensive expertise and proficiency in guiding individuals and organizations through the effective utilization of the Service Desk Plus platform. With specialized training and certification, I am equipped to impart comprehensive knowledge on the functionalities, features, and best practices of Service Desk Plus through personalized instruction and hands-on demonstrations. I strive to empower trainees with the skills and knowledge necessary to optimize their use of Service Desk Plus, ultimately contributing to enhanced productivity and streamlined IT service delivery within their organizations.
Also, as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with 5 years of experience, I am certified by Microsoft to provide comprehensive training and certification on a wide range of Microsoft technologies and products. With a deep understanding of operating systems, databases, productivity tools, and more, I am well-equipped to deliver effective training to individuals and organizations, enabling them to leverage Microsoft products to their fullest potential. Ultimately, my dedication to furnishing top-tier Microsoft training and certification solutions aimed at facilitating the success of individuals and businesses alike.
Total Experience: 5 Years
Number of Training Delivered: 50+
Number of Participants Trained: 500+
List of Prominent Clients Who Have Received Successful Training and Provided Outstanding Feedback:
Novus (India),
Anand Group,
Qatar University,
US dept. of Justice
GP Strategies Corporation,
Diyar Al Muharraq (Bahrain),
Bank of Tanzania (Government Tanzania),
Federal Emergency Management Agency (Government, United States),
Hands-on Project experience: Service Desk Plus, IT service delivery solutions, Active Directory (ADDS, Azure), M365 Apps and Services, User Management & Administrative services along with Security and Compliance.
Associated with Koenig since February-2023.